Sling Context Aware Configurations

This is an automatically generated overview.

Composum AI Automatic Translation Configuration (aem-core)

Configures rollout details for automatic translation.

id label type default value description
additionalInstructions Additional Instructions String Additional instructions for the automatic translation.
preferHighIntelligenceModel Prefer High Intelligence Model boolean If set, the high intelligence model will be used for translation.
preferStandardModel Prefer Standard Model boolean If set, the standard model will be used for translation. Opposite of ‘Prefer High Intelligence Model’.
rules Rules Rules that give additional instructions for translation if certain words or phrases are present in the page.

AutoTranslateRuleConfig (aem-core)

A rule to be added to the Composum AI Automatic Translation Configuration with translation instructions for pages matching the rule.

id label type default value description
pathRegex Path Regex String A regular expression matching the absolute path to the page. E.g. ./home/products/. will match all pages under …/home/products/. If empty every page will match.
contentPattern Content Pattern String A word or phrase that must be present in the content of the page for the rule to match. E.g. ‘Product’ will match all pages that contain the word ‘Product’, case-insensitive. Spaces will also match any whitespace. If it contains any of the regex meta characters [] ()*+ it'll be treated as a regex.
additionalInstructions Additional Instructions String Additional instructions for the automatic translation in case this rule matches.

Composum AI Permission Configuration (slingbase)

A configuration for allowed AI services. There can be multiple configurations, and the allowed services are aggregated. There is a fallback configuration that is used if no other configuration is found, and a factory for multiple configurations which override the fallback configuration if present. If configured, Sling Context Aware Configuration takes precedence over OSGI configuration.

id label type default value description
services Services String[] - List of services to which this configuration applies. Possible values are: categorize, create, sidepanel, translate. For AEM only create and sidepanel are supported.
allowedUsers Allowed Users String[] .* Regular expressions for allowed users or user groups. If not present, no user is allowed from this configuration.
deniedUsers Denied Users String[] - Regular expressions for denied users or user groups. Takes precedence over allowed users.
allowedPaths Allowed Paths String[] /content/.* Regular expressions for allowed content paths. If not present, no paths are allowed.
deniedPaths Denied Paths String[] /content/dam/.* Regular expressions for denied content paths. Takes precedence over allowed paths.
allowedViews Allowed Views String[] .* Regular expressions for allowed views - that is, for URLs like /editor.html/.* . If not present, no views are allowed. Use .* to allow all views.
deniedViews Denied Views String[] - Regular expressions for denied views. Takes precedence over allowed views.
allowedComponents Allowed Components String[] .* Regular expressions for allowed resource types of components. If not present, no components are allowed.
deniedComponents Denied Components String[] - Regular expressions for denied resource types of components. Takes precedence over allowed components.
allowedPageTemplates Allowed Page Templates String[] .* Regular expressions for allowed page templates. If not present, all page templates are allowed.
deniedPageTemplates Denied Page Templates String[] - Regular expressions for denied page templates. Takes precedence over allowed page templates.

Composum AI Prompt Library Configuration (slingbase)

Location for the prompt library for Composum AI. There can be multiple configurations, and the allowed services are aggregated. There is a fallback configuration that is used if no other configuration is found, and a factory for multiple configurations which override the fallback configuration if present. If configured, Sling Context Aware Configuration takes precedence over OSGI configuration.

id label type default value description
contentCreationPromptsPath Content Creation Prompts Path String Path to the content creation prompts.
sidePanelPromptsPath Side Panel Prompts Path String Path to the side panel prompts.

Composum AI OpenAI Configuration (slingbase)

Configurations for the OpenAI backend for Composum AI

id label type default value description
openAiApiKey OpenAI API Key String OpenAI API Key from If not given, this falls back to the OSGI configuration, the environment Variable OPENAI_API_KEY, and the system property openai.api.key .
openAiOrganizationId OpenAI Organization ID String Optionally, OpenAI Organization ID from