Class GPTPermissionInfo.GPTPermissionInfoItem

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class GPTPermissionInfo.GPTPermissionInfoItem
    extends Object
    One set of permissions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GPTPermissionInfoItem

        public GPTPermissionInfoItem()
    • Method Detail

      • getServices

        public List<String> getServices()
        The name of the service this applies to - one of the SERVICE_ constants.
      • setService

        public void setService​(List<String> service)
      • getAllowedComponents

        public List<String> getAllowedComponents()
        Regular expressions for allowed components. If not present, no components are allowed.
      • setAllowedComponents

        public void setAllowedComponents​(List<String> allowedComponents)
      • getDeniedComponents

        public List<String> getDeniedComponents()
        Regular expressions for denied components. Takes precedence over allowed components.
      • setDeniedComponents

        public void setDeniedComponents​(List<String> deniedComponents)
      • allows

        public boolean allows​(String service,
                              String resourceType)