OSGi Configurations

This is an automatically generated overview.

Composum AI Approximate Markdown Service Configuration (slingbase)

Configuration for the Approximate Markdown Service used to get a text representation of a page or component for use with the AI.

id name type default value description
urlSourceWhitelist URL Source Whitelist Regex String[] Only if using URLs as external source: Whitelist for URLs that can be read and turned into markdown. If not set, reading URLs is turned off. For security reasons you might want to prevent local addresses to be contacted. To allow everything you might use https?://.* , but make sure you have a good blacklist in that case.
urlSourceBlacklist URL Source Blacklist Regex String[] Only if using URLs as external source: Blacklist for URLs that can be read and turned into markdown. Has precendence over whitelist.
textAttributes Text Attributes String[] List of attributes that are treated as text and converted to markdown. If not present, no attributes are treated as text.
labelledAttributePatternAllow Labeled Attribute Pattern Allow String[] Regular expressions for attributes that are output with a label. If not present, none will be output except the text attributes.
labelledAttributePatternDeny Labeled Attribute Pattern Deny String[] Regular expressions for attributes that are not output with a label. Takes precedence over the corresponding allow regexp list.
labelledAttributeOrder Labelled Attribute Order String[] List of labelled attributes that come first if they are present, in the given order.

Composum AI Autotranslate Configuration (aem/core)

Configuration of the automatic translation of AEM pages. The OSGI configuration is only used if no Sling CAConfig configuration is found.

id name type default value description
pocUiEnabled Debugging UI boolean false Enable the Autotranslate debugging UI at /apps/composum-ai/components/autotranslate/list/list.html , normally disabled. Only read from OSGI configuration.
disabled Disable boolean false Disable the Autotranslate service
deniedResourceTypes Denied Resource Types String[] Regexes for denied Resource Types - if the sling:resourceType matches that, then no attributes or child nodes are touched by the automatic translation.
allowedAttributeRegexes Allowed Additional Attributes String[] Matches for Attributes that are explicitly allowed to be translated, in addition to standard attributes and heuristically recognized attributes. The heuristics is that the value has to have letters and whitespaces. Syntax: regular expressions that match resource type % attribute name - e.g. myapp/component/html%markup
deniedAttributesRegexes Denied Attributes String[] Attributes that are explicitly denied to be translated. Can be used to override the heuristics / standard attributes. Same syntax as allowed attributes.
ignoreAssetsExceptContentFragments Ignore Assets except Content Fragments boolean true If true, assets are ignored for translation, except for content fragments. (Otherwise the translator would translate metadata of images and videos.)
useHighIntelligenceModel Use High Intelligence Model boolean true If true, the translator will use the ‘high-intelligence model’ (see OpenAI config) for translation. Default: true.

Composum AI OpenAI Configuration (backend/base)

Provides rather low level access to the GPT chat completion - use the other services for more specific services.

id name type default value description
disabled Disable boolean false Disable the GPT Chat Completion Service
chatCompletionUrl URL of the chat completion service String Optional, if not OpenAI's default https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions
openAiApiKey OpenAI API key String OpenAI API key from https://platform.openai.com/. If not given, we check the key file, the environment Variable OPENAI_API_KEY, and the system property openai.api.key .
openAiOrganizationId OpenAI Organization ID String Optionally, OpenAI Organization ID from https://platform.openai.com/account/organization .
openAiApiKeyFile OpenAI API key file String Key File containing the API key, as an alternative to Open AKI Key configuration and the variants described there.
defaultModel Default model String gpt-3.5-turbo Default model to use for the chat completion. The default if not set is gpt-3.5-turbo. Please consider the varying prices https://openai.com/pricing .
highIntelligenceModel High intelligence model String gpt-4o The model that is used for requests that need more reasoning performance. The default if not set is gpt-4o. Please consider the varying prices https://openai.com/pricing .
imageModel Vision model String gpt-4o Optional, a model that is used if an image is given as input, e.g. gpt-4o. If not given, image recognition is rejected.
temperature Temperature String Optional temperature setting that determines variability and creativity as a floating point between 0.0 and 1.0
maximumTokensPerRequest Maximum Tokens per Request int 50000 If > 0 limit to the maximum number of tokens per request. That's about a twice the word count. Caution: Compare with the pricing - on GPT-4 models a thousand tokens might cost $0.01 or more.
maximumTokensPerResponse Maximum output tokens per request int 4096 Maximum number of tokens to return in the response. Must not exceed the capabilities of the model - as of 10/03/24 this is 4096 for most OpenAI models - which is the default, so no need to set that.
connectionTimeout Connection timeout in seconds int 30 Default 30
requestTimeout Request timeout in seconds int 300 Default 300
requestsPerMinute Maximum requests per minute int 100 Maximum count of requests to ChatGPT per minute - from the second half there will be a slowdown to avoid hitting the limit. Default 100
requestsPerHour Maximum requests per hour int 1000 Maximum count of requests to ChatGPT per hour - from the second half there will be a slowdown to avoid hitting the limit. Default 1000
requestsPerDay Maximum requests per day int 3000 Maximum count of requests to ChatGPT per day - from the second half there will be a slowdown to avoid hitting the limit. Default 3000
embeddingsUrl URL of the embeddings service String Optional, if not OpenAI's default https://api.openai.com/v1/embeddings
embeddingsModel Embeddings model String text-embedding-3-small Optional model to use for the embeddings. The default is text-embedding-3-small.

Composum AI Permission Configuration (slingbase)

A configuration for allowed AI services. There can be multiple configurations, and the allowed services are aggregated. There is a fallback configuration that is used if no other configuration is found, and a factory for multiple configurations which override the fallback configuration if present. If configured, Sling Context Aware Configuration takes precedence over OSGI configuration.

id name type default value description
10 Services String[] [CATEGORIZE, CREATE, SIDEPANEL, TRANSLATE] List of services to which this configuration applies. Possible values are: CATEGORIZE, CREATE, SIDEPANEL, TRANSLATE. For AEM only create and sidepanel are supported.
20 Allowed Users String[] [.*] Regular expressions for allowed users or user groups. If not present, no user is allowed from this configuration.
30 Denied Users String[] Regular expressions for denied users or user groups. Takes precedence over allowed users.
40 Allowed Paths String[] [/content/.*] Regular expressions for allowed content paths. If not present, no paths are allowed.
50 Denied Paths String[] [/content/dam/.*] Regular expressions for denied content paths. Takes precedence over allowed paths.
60 Allowed Views String[] [.*] Regular expressions for allowed views - that is, for URLs like /editor.html/.. If not present, no views are allowed. Use . to allow all views.
70 Denied Views String[] Regular expressions for denied views. Takes precedence over allowed views.
80 Allowed Components String[] [.*] Regular expressions for allowed resource types of components. If not present, no components are allowed.
90 Denied Components String[] Regular expressions for denied resource types of components. Takes precedence over allowed components.
100 Allowed Page Templates String[] [.*] Regular expressions for allowed page templates. If not present, all page templates are allowed.
110 Denied Page Templates String[] Regular expressions for denied page templates. Takes precedence over allowed page templates.

Composum AI Prompt Library Configuration (slingbase)

Location for the prompt library for Composum AI. There can be multiple configurations, and the allowed services are aggregated. There is a fallback configuration that is used if no other configuration is found, and a factory for multiple configurations which override the fallback configuration if present. If configured, Sling Context Aware Configuration takes precedence over OSGI configuration.

id name type default value description
contentCreationPromptsPath Content Creation Prompts Path String Path to the content creation prompts. Either a JSON file, or a page.
sidePanelPromptsPath Side Panel Prompts Path String Path to the side panel prompts. Either a JSON file, or a page.

Composum AI Translation Service Configuration (backend/base)

Configuration for the basic Composum AI Translation Service

id name type default value description
disabled Disable the translation service boolean false Disable the translation service
fakeTranslation Fake translation boolean false For quick and inexpensive testing, when you just want to check that the translation does something for e.g. a bulk of texts, you can enable this. The “translation” then just turns the text iNtO tHiS cApItAlIsAtIoN. Easy to spot, but probably doesn't destroy the content completely.
diskCache Disk cache String "" Path to a directory where to cache the translations. If empty, no caching is done. If the path is relative, it is relative to the current working directory. If the path is absolute, it is used as is.

Composum AI Html To Approximate Markdown Service Plugin (slingbase)

A plugin for the ApproximateMarkdownService that transforms the rendered HTML of components to markdown, which can work better than trying to guess the text content from the JCR representation (as is the default) but probably doesn't work for all components. So it can be enabled for some sling resource types by regex. We will not use this for the first two levels below the page, as that could include unwanted stuff like headers and footers.

id name type default value description
allowedResourceTypes Allowed resource types String[] {“.*”} Regular expressions for allowed resource types. If not present, no resource types are allowed.
deniedResourceTypes Denied resource types String[] {} Regular expressions for denied resource types. Takes precedence over allowed resource types.

Composum AI Approximate Markdown Cache Service Configuration (slingbase)

If configured, caches the calculated approximate markdown of pages.
CAUTION: the page content must be independent of the user, or you might leak one user's data to another!

id name type default value description
disabled Disable boolean false Disable the service
cacheRootPath Cache Root Path String The JCR root path where the markdown is stored. If not set, no caching is done. Suggestion: /var/composum/ai-markdown-cache. To set this up you'll need to create this path in the repository, add a service user for this bundle's name (composum-ai-integration-backend-slingbase) and make the path writeable for this user.

Composum AI SlingCaConfig Plugin (slingbase)

Allows enabling / disabling the Sling Context Aware Configuration of the Composum AI.

id name type default value description
1 Enabled boolean true Whether the Sling Context Aware Configuration of the Composum AI is enabled.