All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AemAIConfigurationPlugin |
Implements AEM specific methods of AIConfigurationPlugin .
AemAITranslationMergeServlet |
Servlet with functionality for the AI Translation Merge tool.
AemApproximateMarkdownServicePlugin |
Special handling for cq:PageContent and components
AemContentCreationPromptsServlet |
Datasource for the prompts of the content creation dialog.
AemContentCreationSelectorsServlet |
Servlet that reads the content selectors from a JSON file, adds links in the content and provides that to the dialog.
AemSidePanelPromptsServlet |
Datasource for the prompts of the sidebar AI dialog.
AITranslatePropertyWrapper |
AutoPageTranslateService |
Actual logic for translating a livecopy.
AutoPageTranslateService.Stats |
AutoPageTranslateServiceImpl |
Translated would normally be properties that "obviously" contain text, like jcr:title, jcr:description, text, title
AutoPageTranslateServiceImpl.AutoTranslateRuleConfigContentRule |
Simple implementation of this for content translation rules.
AutoPageTranslateServiceImpl.PropertyToTranslate |
AutoTranslateCaConfig |
AutoTranslateConfig |
This serves both as OSGI configuration (default for the configurations) and, if used, as Sling CAConfig configuration.
AutoTranslateConfigService |
Serves the configurations for the automatic translation.
AutoTranslateConfigServiceImpl |
Serves the configurations for the automatic translation service.
AutoTranslateListModel |
AutoTranslateLiveAction |
Action to translate a resource in a live copy with the automatic translation service.
AutoTranslateLiveActionFactory |
AutoTranslateLiveActionImpl |
Implementation for the rollout configuration.
AutoTranslateMergeModel |
AutoTranslateMergeService |
Service for handling merge operations related to auto-translation.
AutoTranslateMergeService.AutoTranslateProperty |
Represents a translated property associated with a resource.
AutoTranslateMergeServiceImpl |
Implementation of the AutoTranslateMergeService.
AutoTranslateRuleConfig |
A rule to be added to the Composum AI Automatic Translation Configuration
with translation instructions for pages matching the rule.
AutoTranslateRunModel |
AutoTranslateService |
AutoTranslateService.TranslationPage |
AutoTranslateService.TranslationParameters |
AutoTranslateService.TranslationRun |
AutoTranslateService.TranslationStatus |
AutoTranslateServiceImpl |
A service that provides automatic translation of AEM pages.
AutoTranslateServiceImpl.TranslationPageImpl |
AutoTranslateStateService |
AutoTranslateStateServiceImpl |
Makes sure we have a global state of all translation runs.
AutoTranslateTranslationTableConfig |
Configures a translation table for the automatic translation - an XLS or CSV file of terms and their translations.
AutoTranslateWorkflowProcess |
CompareModel |
Model for comparing a page with its live relationship source.
DiffMatchPatch |
Class containing the diff, match and patch methods.
DiffMatchPatch.Diff |
Class representing one diff operation.
DiffMatchPatch.LinesToCharsResult |
Internal class for returning results from diff_linesToChars().
DiffMatchPatch.Operation |
The data structure representing a diff is a Linked list of Diff objects:
{Diff(Operation.DELETE, "Hello"), Diff(Operation.INSERT, "Goodbye"),
Diff(Operation.EQUAL, " world.")}
DiffMatchPatch.Patch |
Class representing one patch operation.
PageTemplatingWorkflowProcess |
Triggers a call of the AITemplatingService on the current page.
SelectorUtils |
Some utility methods for this.
TranslationRuleExtractor |
Reads translation rules from an xls document.
TriggerRolloutWorkflowProcess |
Translates the page that is given as payload from it's blueprint.