ChatCompletionChoice |
Represents a choice in the chat completion response.
ChatCompletionChoiceMessage |
Represents the message content in a chat completion choice, including the role (e.g., user, assistant)
and the actual text content of the message.
ChatCompletionFunctionCallDetails |
Represents the a call of a function used as a tool in the chat completion request.
ChatCompletionFunctionDetails |
Represents the details of a function used as a tool in the chat completion request.
ChatCompletionMessage |
Represents a message in a chat completion request, containing the role of the speaker
(user, assistant, or system) and the message content, which may include text or other parts.
ChatCompletionMessagePart |
Represents a part of a chat completion message, which may be a text or an image URL.
ChatCompletionMessagePart.ChatCompletionMessageUrlPart |
Encodes URL part: { "url": "" }
ChatCompletionMessagePart.ImageDetail |
ChatCompletionMessagePart.Type |
ChatCompletionRequest.ResponseFormat |
ChatCompletionRequest.ResponseFormatType |
ChatCompletionRequest.Role |
ChatCompletionResponse.FinishReason |
ChatCompletionToolCall |
Represents a tool call generated by the model in a chat completion response.
ChatCompletionUsage |
Represents the token usage details in a chat completion response, including
the number of tokens used for the prompt, the completion, and the total.
ChatTool |
Represents a tool in the OpenAI chat completion request, currently limited to functions.
OpenAIEmbeddings.EmbeddingObject |