Interface ApproximateMarkdownService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ApproximateMarkdownService
    A service to create markdown with an approximate text content from a page or resource, for use with querying the AI about it.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String HEADER_IMAGEPATH
      An additional header for the response that tells that the path is actually an image and gives its path.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void approximateMarkdown​( resource, PrintWriter out, request, response)
      Generates a text formatted with markdown that heuristically represents the text content of a page or resource, mainly for use with the AI.
      String approximateMarkdown​( resource, request, response)
      Generates a text formatted with markdown that heuristically represents the text content of a page or resource, mainly for use with the AI.
      List<ApproximateMarkdownService.Link> getComponentLinks​( resource)
      Returns a number of links that are saved in the component or siblings of the component that could be used as a proposal for the user to be used as source for the AI via markdown generation etc.
      String getImageUrl​( imageResource)
      Retrieves the imageURL in a way useable for ChatGPT - usually data:image/jpeg;base64,{base64_image}
      String getMarkdown​(String value)
      Returns a markdown representation of an attribute value, which might be plain text or HTML.
      String getMarkdown​(URI uri)
      Retrieves the text content for an URL.
    • Field Detail


        static final String HEADER_IMAGEPATH
        An additional header for the response that tells that the path is actually an image and gives its path.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • approximateMarkdown

        String approximateMarkdown​(@Nullable
        Generates a text formatted with markdown that heuristically represents the text content of a page or resource, mainly for use with the AI. That is rather heuristically - it cannot faithfully represent the page, but will probably be enough to generate summaries, keywords and so forth.
        resource - the resource to render to markdown. Caution: if this is not the content resource of a page but the cpp:Page, the markdown will contain all subpages as well!
        request -
        response -
        the markdown representation
      • approximateMarkdown

        void approximateMarkdown​(@Nullable
                                 PrintWriter out,
        Generates a text formatted with markdown that heuristically represents the text content of a page or resource, mainly for use with the AI. That is rather heuristically - it cannot faithfully represent the page, but will probably be enough to generate summaries, keywords and so forth.
        resource - the resource to render to markdown. Caution: if this is not the content resource of a page but the cpp:Page, the markdown will contain all subpages as well!
        out - destination where the markdown rendering will be written.
        request -
        response -
      • getMarkdown

        String getMarkdown​(@Nullable
                           String value)
        Returns a markdown representation of an attribute value, which might be plain text or HTML. We determine whether it's HTML heuristically - in that case it's transformed to markdown, otherwise we just return the value.
      • getComponentLinks

        List<ApproximateMarkdownService.Link> getComponentLinks​(@Nullable
        Returns a number of links that are saved in the component or siblings of the component that could be used as a proposal for the user to be used as source for the AI via markdown generation etc. This heuristically collects a number of links that might be interesting.
        resource - the resource to check
        a list of links, or an empty list if there are none.
      • getImageUrl

        String getImageUrl​(@Nullable
        Retrieves the imageURL in a way useable for ChatGPT - usually data:image/jpeg;base64,{base64_image}