Class RAGServiceImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class RAGServiceImpl
    extends Object
    implements RAGService
    Basic services for retrieval augmented generation (RAG).
    • Constructor Detail

      • RAGServiceImpl

        public RAGServiceImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • searchRelated

        public List<String> searchRelated​(@Nullable
                                          String querytext,
                                          int limit)
        Description copied from interface: RAGService
        Returns a list of up to limit paths that might be related to the query. We search for the whole query, andy quoted strings inside and then for all single words in the query, scored. The paths are returned in descending order of lucene score.
        Specified by:
        searchRelated in interface RAGService
        root - the root resource to search in
        querytext - the query text
        limit - the maximum number of paths to return
        a list of paths to jcr:content nodes, empty if no results or any of the parameters don't fit.
      • containsQuery

        protected @NotNull List<String> containsQuery​(@NotNull
                                                      @NotNull root,
                                                      @NotNull String querytext,
                                                      int restOfLimit)
                                               throws javax.jcr.RepositoryException
      • normalize

        protected String normalize​(@Nonnull
                                   String querytext)
        Turn it into a query for the words mentioned in there - that is, remove all meta characters for CONTAINS queries: AND, OR, words prefixed with -, quotes, backslashes. We use an OR query to find pages with as many words as possible.
      • orderByEmbedding

        public List<> orderByEmbedding​(@Nullable
                                                                             String querytext,
                                                                             List<> resources,
                                                                             @NotNull request,
                                                                             @NotNull response,
                                                                             @NotNull rootResource)
        Finds the resources whose markdown approximation has embeddings that are the most similar to the querytext embedding. Useable e.g. as filter after searchRelated(Resource, String, int).
        Specified by:
        orderByEmbedding in interface RAGService
        querytext - the query text
        resources - the list of resources to search in
        request - the request to use when determining the markdown approximation - not modified
        response - the response to use when determining the markdown approximation - not modified
        rootResource - the root resource to search in
      • ragAnswer

        public String ragAnswer​(@Nullable
                                String querytext,
                                List<> resources,
                                @NotNull rootResource,
                                int limitRagTexts)
        Answer a question with RAG from the given resources, e.g. found with searchRelated(Resource, String, int).
        Specified by:
        ragAnswer in interface RAGService
        querytext - the query text
        resources - the list of resources to answer from
        request - the request to use when determining the markdown approximation - not modified
        response - the response to use when determining the markdown approximation - not modified
        rootResource - the root resource to find GPT configuration from
        limitRagTexts - the maximum number of RAG texts to consider
        the answer text