All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AemAIConfigurationPlugin |
AemApproximateMarkdownServicePlugin |
Special handling for cq:PageContent and components
AemContentCreationPromptsServlet |
Datasource for the prompts of the content creation dialog.
AemContentCreationSelectorsServlet |
Servlet that reads the content selectors from a JSON file, adds links in the content and provides that to the dialog.
AemSidePanelPromptsServlet |
Datasource for the prompts of the sidebar AI dialog.
AIConfigurationPlugin |
AIConfigurationService |
This is the primary service interface that provides methods to check which
AI services are allowed.
AIConfigurationServiceImpl |
AIConfigurationServlet |
AIConfigurationServlet provides access to AI configurations.
AICreateServlet |
Servlet providing the various services from the backend as servlet, which are useable for the authors.
AIDialogServlet |
Servlet that serves the dialogs.
AIDialogServlet.Extension |
AIDialogServlet.Operation |
AIDictationServlet |
Servlet providing a dictation service - returns a transcribed text from an audio file.
AIServlet |
Servlet providing the various services from the backend as servlet, which are useable for the authors.
AIServlet.Extension |
AIServlet.Operation |
AITemplatingService |
Experimential service to provide page templating functionality: a page / component contains various prompts in it's properties
which are replaced by the response of the AI.
AITemplatingServiceImpl |
This implementation uses the markers:
A field that is a prompt begins with PROMPTFIELD:
A field that is referenced by other fields begins with PROMPTFIELD#ID: where ID is a unique identifier for the field
A URL source is added as SOURCEURL( after that.
A prompt that applies to the whole page can be put into a multi line field; it begins on a line with PAGEPROMPT:
AITemplatingServiceImpl.AITemplatingRetryableException |
An exception that says something is wrong with the response, but that might be temporary and can be retried.
AITemplatingServiceImpl.Replacement |
AITemplatingServlet |
Servlet providing services related to templating.
AITemplatingServlet.Method |
AITool |
An action the AI can perform - likely from the sidebar chat.
AITranslatePropertyWrapper |
AllowDenyMatcherUtil |
Utilities for matching allow / deny String[] pattern collections.
ApproximateMarkdownService |
A service to create markdown with an approximate text content from a page or resource, for use with querying the AI about it.
ApproximateMarkdownService.Link |
A link from a component.
ApproximateMarkdownServiceImpl |
ApproximateMarkdownServiceImpl.Config |
Configuration class Config that allows us to configure TEXT_ATTRIBUTES.
ApproximateMarkdownServicePlugin |
Implements special treatment for some resources, depending on the actual system.
ApproximateMarkdownServicePlugin.PluginResult |
Result of the plugin execution.
ApproximateMarkdownServlet |
Renders an approximate markdown representation of the text content of a page / resource.
AutoPageTranslateService |
Actual logic for translating a livecopy.
AutoPageTranslateService.Stats |
AutoPageTranslateServiceImpl |
Translated would normally be properties that "obviously" contain text, like jcr:title, jcr:description, text, title
AutoPageTranslateServiceImpl.AutoTranslateRuleConfigContentRule |
Simple implementation of this for content translation rules.
AutoPageTranslateServiceImpl.PropertyToTranslate |
AutoTranslateCaConfig |
AutoTranslateConfig |
This serves both as OSGI configuration (default for the configurations) and, if used, as Sling CAConfig configuration.
AutoTranslateConfigService |
Serves the configurations for the automatic translation.
AutoTranslateConfigServiceImpl |
Serves the configurations for the automatic translation service.
AutoTranslateListModel |
AutoTranslateLiveAction |
Action to translate a resource in a live copy with the automatic translation service.
AutoTranslateLiveActionFactory |
AutoTranslateLiveActionImpl |
Implementation for the rollout configuration.
AutoTranslateRuleConfig |
A rule to be added to the Composum AI Automatic Translation Configuration
with translation instructions for pages matching the rule.
AutoTranslateRunModel |
AutoTranslateService |
AutoTranslateService.TranslationPage |
AutoTranslateService.TranslationParameters |
AutoTranslateService.TranslationRun |
AutoTranslateService.TranslationStatus |
AutoTranslateServiceImpl |
A service that provides automatic translation of AEM pages.
AutoTranslateServiceImpl.TranslationPageImpl |
AutoTranslateStateService |
AutoTranslateStateServiceImpl |
Makes sure we have a global state of all translation runs.
AutoTranslateTranslationTableConfig |
Configures a translation table for the automatic translation - an XLS or CSV file of terms and their translations.
AutoTranslateWorkflowProcess |
cancel__002e__html |
cancel__002e__html |
CategorizeDialogModel |
Model for rendering the categorize dialog.
ChatCompletionChoice |
Represents a choice in the chat completion response.
ChatCompletionChoiceMessage |
Represents the message content in a chat completion choice, including the role (e.g., user, assistant)
and the actual text content of the message.
ChatCompletionFunctionCallDetails |
Represents the a call of a function used as a tool in the chat completion request.
ChatCompletionFunctionDetails |
Represents the details of a function used as a tool in the chat completion request.
ChatCompletionMessage |
Represents a message in a chat completion request, containing the role of the speaker
(user, assistant, or system) and the message content, which may include text or other parts.
ChatCompletionMessagePart |
Represents a part of a chat completion message, which may be a text or an image URL.
ChatCompletionMessagePart.ChatCompletionMessagePartListDeSerializer |
ChatCompletionMessagePart.ChatCompletionMessageUrlPart |
Encodes URL part: { "url": "" }
ChatCompletionMessagePart.ImageDetail |
ChatCompletionMessagePart.Type |
ChatCompletionRequest |
Represents a request to the OpenAI chat completion API, including model, messages,
and optional parameters like max tokens, temperature, and response format.
ChatCompletionRequest.ResponseFormat |
ChatCompletionRequest.ResponseFormatType |
ChatCompletionRequest.Role |
ChatCompletionResponse |
Represents the response from the OpenAI chat completion API, containing details
about the generated choices, token usage, and metadata like the model used and creation time.
ChatCompletionResponse.FinishReason |
ChatCompletionToolCall |
Represents a tool call generated by the model in a chat completion response.
ChatCompletionUsage |
Represents the token usage details in a chat completion response, including
the number of tokens used for the prompt, the completion, and the total.
ChatTool |
Represents a tool in the OpenAI chat completion request, currently limited to functions.
CompareModel |
Model for comparing a page with its live relationship source.
comparetool__002e__html |
ComposumAIConfigurationPlugin |
Implements Composum specific methods of AIConfigurationPlugin.
ComposumApproximateMarkdownServicePlugin |
Special handling for composum/pages/components/page and components
contentcreation__002e__html |
CreateDialogModel |
embedsearch__002e__html |
EventStream |
EventStream |
example__002e__html |
GetPageMarkdownAITool |
GetPageMarkdownAITool.Config |
GPTChatCompletionService |
Raw abstraction of the ChatGPT chat interface, with only the details that are needed.
GPTChatCompletionServiceImpl |
Implements the actual access to the ChatGPT chat API.
GPTChatCompletionServiceImpl.EnsureResultFutureCallback |
Makes doubly sure that result is somehow set after the call.
GPTChatCompletionServiceImpl.GPTChatCompletionServiceConfig |
GPTChatCompletionServiceImpl.RetryableException |
Thrown when we get a 429 rate limiting response.
GPTChatMessage |
A chat message in a dialog with ChatGPT.
GPTChatMessagesTemplate |
A template for chat messages, with placeholders.
GPTChatRequest |
A request to ChatGPT.
GPTCompletionCallback |
For a streaming mode this is given as parameter for the method call and receives the streamed data; the method returns only when the response is complete.
GPTCompletionCallback.GPTCompletionCallbackWrapper |
Forwards all methods to a delegate.
GPTCompletionCallback.GPTCompletionCollector |
A simple collector that just takes note of things.
GPTCompletionCallback.GPTToolExecutionContext |
For tool calls: context to execute actions in.
GPTConfiguration |
A configuration to use for accessing the external LLM service.
GPTConfiguration.AnswerType |
GPTConfiguration.GPTContextInfo |
Gives the conversation a history - additional assistant - user message pair.
GPTConfiguration.Mode |
GPTContentCreationService |
Service to generate content (keywords / descriptions from a text, and so forth.)
GPTContentCreationServiceImpl |
GPTDictationService |
Services related to dictation.
GPTDictationServiceImpl |
GPTDictationServiceImpl.GPTDictationServiceConfig |
Configures whether it's enabled (default false), the model and the request counts, and the maximum request size.
GPTEmbeddingService |
Methods related to embeddings.
GPTEmbeddingService.EmbeddingsCache |
Optional cache for embedding values.
GPTEmbeddingServiceImpl |
GPTException |
Any kind of error when accessing GPT.
GPTException.GPTContextLengthExceededException |
"error": {
"message": "This model's maximum context length is 4097 tokens.
GPTException.GPTRetryableResponseErrorException |
An exception that is thrown when the response from the GPT service is not as expected.
GPTException.GPTUserNotificationException |
A special exception if the user should be notified about something instead of completing the task.
GPTFinishReason |
GPTFunctionCallDetails |
Represents the a call of a function used as a tool in the chat completion request.
GPTFunctionDetails |
Represents the details of a function used as a tool in the chat completion request.
GPTInternalOpenAIHelper |
Helpers for implementation in this package.
GPTInternalOpenAIHelper.GPTInternalOpenAIHelperInst |
GPTMessageRole |
GPTPermissionConfiguration |
Serves both as OSGI configuration for OsgiAIConfigurationPluginImpl as well as
Sling Context Aware Configuration, since they both do the same thing, OSGI serving as a fallback
or the single global configuration if SlingCAC is not used.
GPTPermissionInfo |
Permission information that can be used to determine whether a page or component permits services as the side panel
AI or the content creation assistant.
GPTPermissionInfo.GPTPermissionInfoItem |
One set of permissions.
GPTPromptLibrary |
GPTResponseCheck |
An additional check that verifies whether the translation was carried out right - such as paths in HTML weren't translated.
GPTTool |
An action the AI can perform - likely from the sidebar chat.
GPTToolCall |
Represents a tool call generated by the model in a chat completion response.
GPTTranslationService |
GPTTranslationServiceImpl |
GPTTranslationServiceImpl.Config |
help__002e__html |
help__002e__html |
HtmlToApproximateMarkdownServicePlugin |
HtmlToApproximateMarkdownServicePlugin.CapturingResponse |
We wrap a response to capture the content, forwarding all but modifying methods to the original response.
HtmlToApproximateMarkdownServicePlugin.Config |
HtmlToApproximateMarkdownServicePlugin.EmptyRequestParameterMap |
HtmlToApproximateMarkdownServicePlugin.UnsupportedOperationCalled |
Thrown when unsupported operation was called that requires blacklisting.
HtmlToMarkdownConverter |
A quick HTML markdown converter that handles the tags [a, strong, code, em, p, br, u, ul, li, ol] used in rich text editor.
LabelExtensionModel |
Businesslogic for extending the label of a widget with the various buttons.
LabelExtensionVisibilityKey |
list__002e__html |
list__002e__html |
MarkdownSlingCacheImpl |
Implements a cache for markdown of pages.
MarkdownSlingCacheImpl.Config |
OpenAIConfig |
OpenAIEmbeddings |
Request and response for OpenAI embeddings API.
OpenAIEmbeddings.EmbeddingObject |
OpenAIEmbeddings.EmbeddingRequest |
OpenAIEmbeddings.EmbeddingResponse |
OsgiAIConfigurationPluginFactory |
OsgiAIConfigurationPluginFactoryImpl |
OsgiAIConfigurationPluginImpl |
This implementation sources its configurations from the OSGI environment, specifically from instances of GPTPermissionConfiguration .
OsgiAIPromptlibConfigurationPluginImpl |
This implementation sources the global GPTPromptLibrary configuration from the OSGI environment.
PageCachedValueService |
Service to cache some values that depend on a page content but are computationally intensive to calculate,
like the markdown representation or embeddings or a machine generated summary.
PageTemplatingWorkflowProcess |
prototype__002e__html |
rag__002e__html |
RAGService |
Basic services for retrieval augmented generation (RAG).
RAGServiceImpl |
Basic services for retrieval augmented generation (RAG).
RAGServlet |
Servlet providing various RAG supported services.
RateLimiter |
This class is used to limit the rate of requests to the chat service.
rollback__002e__html |
rollback__002e__html |
run__002e__html |
run__002e__html |
SearchPageAITool |
SearchPageAITool.Config |
SelectorUtils |
Some utility methods for this.
SidebarDialogModel |
Model for the sidebar AI dialog.
sidepanel__002d__ai__002e__html |
SlingCaConfigPluginImpl |
Reads configurations using Sling context aware configuration.
SlingCaConfigPluginImpl.Config |
SlingGPTExecutionContext |
For Sling tools: the request and response of the streaming as executin context for tool calls.
StringstreamSlowdown |
For a stream of String segments (like the ChatGPT tokens that trickle in from ChatGPT when streaming) this collects
the parts and forwards the collected part every 500ms to a given consumer.
templating__002e__html |
TranslationDialogModel |
Model for rendering the translation dialog.
TranslationDialogModel.Source |
Represents a source for translation.
TranslationRuleExtractor |
Reads translation rules from an xls document.
TriggerRolloutWorkflowProcess |
Translates the page that is given as payload from it's blueprint.